Marketing for Developers - Video Tutorials

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A guide to marketing your software, apps, and digital products

  • The book: PDF, ePub, Mobi, audio book, and online version
  • Worksheets: Prospects Ranked by Priority, Audience Discovery
  • 11 tutorial videos: Hello World, The Lean Marketing Stack, Using Segment, Using Google Analytics, Using Mixpanel, Customer Research (Part 1), Customer Research (Part 2), Using Facebook for Retargeting, Asking for the Sale
  • 12 interview videos: Des Traynor (Intercom), Sacha Greif (Discover Meteor), Brian Casel (Audience Ops), Jarrod Drysdale (Tiny Designer), Marc-Andre Cournoyer (Coded Inc), Nir Eyal (Hooked), Tracy Osborn (Hello Web App), Nathan Barry (ConvertKit), Sean Fioritto (Sketching with CSS), Garrett Dimon (Sifter), Dan Norris (WPCurve), Brennan Dunn (Planscope)
  • Landing page HTML theme: responsive ​landing theme for your product
  • Two guides: Product Hunt Handbook and Hacker News Handbook
  • Code sample: implementing Segment tracking in a simple HTML form
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Marketing for Developers - Video Tutorials

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